It is possible to get one Connector to communicate with another Connector, thereby transferring data from one Connector to another. An example use case might be that you want to query if a User already exists in an Active Directory domain before assigning a unique User ID in the Identity Vault. Or you might want to check one Active Directory domain against another Active Directory domain.

The communication uses the DXCMD command line binary; there is already an IDM function to allow you to do this. It is quite easy to do, and uses the following syntax:

<do-set-local-variable name="varQueryResult" scope="policy">
        <token-xpath expression="dircmd:sendDriverCommand('~gcvUser-Creation-uidGeneration-Query-Connector~',$varQueryDocument/nds)"/>

The Connector on which the Query much be executed is defined in the Global Configuration Value (GCV) shown below.

<definition display-name="IDAM Connector to use for Querying Active Directory for 'unique Identifier'" name="gcvUser-Creation-uidGeneration-Query-Connector" type="string">
    <value>\IDVAULT\System\Identity Management\IDVAULT\RDC AD</value>

Here is the Query document which is to be sent to the Active Directory Connector.

<do-set-local-variable name="varQueryDocument" scope="policy">
            <token-text xml:space="preserve"><nds dtdversion="3.5" ndsversion="8.x"><source><product version=" ">DirXML</product><contact>Novell, Inc.</contact></source><input><query class-name="~gcvUser-Creation-uidGeneration-Query-ClassName~" initiator="" dest-dn="~gcvUser-Creation-uidGeneration-Query-SearchBase~" scope="subtree"><search-class class-name="~gcvUser-Creation-uidGeneration-Query-ClassName~"/><search-attr attr-name="~gcvUser-Creation-uidGeneration-Query-AttributeName~"><value>$varGeneratedName$</value></search-attr><read-attr attr-name="~gcvUser-Creation-uidGeneration-Query-AttributeName~"/></query></input></nds></token-text>

The dircmd namespace is defined at the top of the policy as:

<policy xmlns:dircmd="">