The first step is to clone the Void Packages git repository, using the command below. You might want to visit the git repository before you start, as it has important information which you would do well to read first. git repository.
git clone
After running the command shown above, a new void-packages directory will be created. Go ahead and cd in to that directory and run the command shown below. This will configure the build environment.
./xbps-src binary-bootstrap
Next, you’ll need to allow restricted packages, so run the following command.
echo XBPS_ALLOW_RESTRICTED=yes >> etc/conf
Go ahead and compile a package. In this example I wanted to install the devilspie2 package, so I built it by running the command shown below.
./xbps-src pkg devilspie2
Once the package is compiled, and all the dependencies have been installed, you can install the package.
sudo xbps-install --repository=hostdir/binpkgs devilspie2
That’s really all there is to it. If you ever come across a package that is not available in the standard Void Linux repositories, checking the Void source packages repository might well have the package you want. If it does, just like the AUR, you can compile it and install it.